Your pool should be an area of enjoyment and serenity, but it’s hard to think of it that way when it’s covered in calcium, algae and who knows what else. Glass bead-blasting is an innovative pool-cleaning method designed to remove calcium and scale deposits from pool surfaces by utilizing fine glass beads and a low-pressure air stream, and the results are more attractive, longer-lasting and more than likely more affordable than traditional methods that rely on harsh chemicals and acids. Glass bead-blasting is great for stone, Pebble Tex and most surfaces used in today’s pools, and the entire process can be completed in under two hours. Here’s a closer look at how it’s done.
Step 1 – Lowering the Water
The first step in the glass bead-blasting process is to lower your pool’s water by about six inches below the tile line. Your service provider does this in order to give his or herself clear access to any deposits that have built up over time, and without wasting water or emptying the pool. Instead, the water gets drained through a sewer washout.
Step 2 – Prepping the Pool
Using state-of-of-the-art pool-cleaning equipment designed specifically for this purpose, your service provider will use an environmentally friendly combination of glass beads and Epsom salts to remove calcium and mineral deposits from your pool. In addition to avoiding the use of harsh chemicals, this method ensures your pool doesn’t fade or otherwise accrue damage during the cleaning process.
Step 3 – Eliminating Calcium
Your servicer will attack the calcium deposits and buildup in your pool using a combination of low pressure and the glass beads and Epsom salts. The machine used for the process has a vacuum that collects the deposits it removes while keeping other unwanted materials out of your pool.
Step 4 – Polishing Up the Pool
After the glass bead-blasting process, your servicer will go over the pool area by hand to ensure a noticeable shine and that all unwanted materials have been effectively removed. A polish will then be added to help the pool maintain that desirable shimmer.
Step 5 – Cleaning the Final Product
Once all other steps have been completed, it’s time for your pool to get its final cleaning so that the glass beads and Epsom salts are removed from the pool, once and for all. Once this step is complete, you’ll be able to use your pool again and the results from the glass bead-blasting process will be readily apparent.
Effective, fast and affordable, glass bead-blasting has redefined the modern pool-cleaning process to the benefit of all owners.